10X for Gen XYZ
Move over Baby Boomers. It’s time for Gen X, Y, Z. It’s time to stop waiting on the world to change. It’s time to be the change. It’s time to stop thinking about how your life could be better. It’s time to start taking action. Massive Action to improve your life. Join Zach Winner and Mark Adair-Rios every week, as we learn how others had the grit, determination, and conviction to 10 X their lives, and as we explore ways that can help you 10 X your life.
10X for Gen XYZ
10X For Gen XYZ Ep. 35: How to stop dieting and lose weight with Leslie Chen
In this episode, we talk with Leslie Chen a high-performance weight loss coach who helps high-achieving women all over the world get a head-turning body permanently and effortlessly while ending food obsession and negativities. She also teaches how to stop emotional eating forever and regain 100% self-control towards food.
To learn her Lean Instinct Formula™ which turns year-long dieters into confident, free, and holistically lean people, join her free, limited-time masterclass The 5 Winning Keys To Stop Food Addiction While Gaining A Head-Turning Body. "
Join us on this new episode as we explore ways that can help you 10X your life.